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Virtual Running – tips how to run your virtual race & enjoy it

Virtual running tips

Are you planning a virtual run? Lots of virtual marathons coming up. Tips how to plan & enjoy our virtual run, plus a downloadable bib you can personalise.

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From Plateau to PB: how we hit new levels in our 40s

Sarah Dudgeon Seville Marathon Finish 2020

Seville 2020 saw us both smash our PBs after 20 years of running and broadly plateauing in the last several years. As a result, many people have asked us, along the lines of, “How on earth did you do that?!” So here are our reflections on how we managed such a significant step change, although, spoiler alert, there is no magic; focus and hard work are at the heart of it.

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What if my marathon or half marathon is cancelled?


If you’re concerned your event will be cancelled, don’t panic, keep training, and here are a few tips from me as a recent cancellation ‘survivor’. 2020 Corona Virus cancellations Marathons and other events started cancelling, restricting or postponing, often at the last minute. Until the virus spread more widely and all global mass participating events[…]

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Night of the 10,000m PBs

Night of the 10,000m PBs is a brilliant concept with amazing atmosphere, exciting racing at Club to Olympic level, and spectators watching the action right from the track. I was lucky enough to run and spectate this year (2017). HISTORY The event is the brainchild of Ben Pochee. In 2013, only nine men and one[…]

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Seville Marathon Review

Seville marathon review, 2017 edition Reading note: I’ve written about this in detail from a runner’s perspective, as the little things can be important when you’re choosing a marathon, or getting ready to run. I’ve split it into sections so you can skip to the sections you’re interested in. I first came across the Seville[…]

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Two top positive mindset tricks to improve your training and racing

body achieves what the mind believes

How mantras & visualisation can help you be your best Visualising a goal time Visualise your dream time as you cross the line at your event. It doesn’t need to be ‘good’ by anyone else’s standards, it just needs to be meaningful for you. Maybe you’d like a post injury comeback time, or a new[…]

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The Abingdon Marathon

Abingdon Marathon Course

The Abingdon Marathon is a great alternative to big city marathons like London. It’s run at the end of October every year and a fantastic choice if you’re looking for a fast flat UK Autumn marathon. Background note: This original review was written in 2016 after the third time I ran the event, which I thought[…]

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How to get into the London Marathon

How to get into the London Marathon, 10 ways to get in

How to get into the London Marathon London Marathon – ways to get in How to get into the London Marathon – summary & intro I’ve run over 50 marathons, including around 20 Londons, so I’m often asked how to get in. SummaryThere’s more than one way to get into the London Marathon. Here are[…]

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Royal Parks Half Marathon

Royal Parks Half Marathon 2015 Along with a stunning route, the Royal Parks Half Marathon also always seems to secured beautiful autumn weather, perfect for both runners and supporters. The overall feeling at this race is always one of inclusion, with beginner-friendly warm-up routines, and even tannoy messages to check that shoelaces are tied. The[…]

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How to get motivated

Motivation’s a big deal.  It’s one of the things I’m asked about most.  It seems to come naturally to some people.  To others, I look like someone who finds it easy.  But in reality I’ve just thought hard about what works for me, and worked to put that in place.  Here I break it down[…]

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How to make time to train

How to make time to train

Most of us are time-poor.  Family, work, friends, home; it can be a challenge just fitting the basics in, let alone training.  We often wonder how much better we’d be in our sport if only we had more time to train.  It’s also common to assume everyone else has more time available. In reality, we[…]

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Top tips for race spectating – How to see your runner

Marathon Good Luck Card

I often get asked how or where people should watch runners in a marathon. Here are my top tips after years of both running and watching. Picking out your runner If you’re watching on the actual race sidelines, then make sure you know exactly what kit your runner is wearing. A ‘bright shirt’ or running[…]

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4 Steps to Spring Marathon Prep

How to run marathon

Spring. A time of daffodils and lambs for most people. But for many runners, the blossom and the lighter mornings signal that Spring marathons are approaching. Even with a few weeks to go, there’s lots you can do to get yourself fully prepped, from your kit, to your race strategies. Here’s 4 steps how to[…]

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5 Reasons to Race

reasons to race, why race, run, tri, bike

Racing doesn’t mean you have to be a competitive person. You can race for many reasons. Racing is hard but the rewards are worth it. Running, triathlon or cycling, here’s 5 reasons why you should race. 1. The competition is up to you For most of us, unless we’re elite, it’s unlikely we’ll win our[…]

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How to recover after a workout

Recovery after sport, recovery after workout, run recovery, race recovery

If you chat to other runners and cyclists, you probably talk about how hard or long your workouts were. Much less-talked about is recovery. Maybe it doesn’t create as good stories of hardship as training or racing can, but it’sjust as important as your physical training. Don’t just take it from me, in her autobiography[…]

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How to push to a PB

How to run a PB or PR

Personal Best. Those magic words. Most of us love our PBs. Rightly so, we train hard for them. So what if you want your PB to be a bit faster? You’re sure you tried as hard as you could in your last race. Or did you? We all know the feeling of someone passing us[…]

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How not to forget anything for your race

Race checklist – what you need for your race, marathon or long run Most of us get nervous before a race. Even if I don’t think I’m nervous, my body usually is. Last week I was joking before we ran a low key race, that my friend was nervous. He pointed out I must be[…]