Why is pacing important, how to do it & how pace bands work. Why Kipchoge used even pacing, how to do it, plus pace bands to hit your target.
Products to help you run, race, remember
Why is pacing important, how to do it & how pace bands work. Why Kipchoge used even pacing, how to do it, plus pace bands to hit your target.
How mantras & visualisation can help you be your best Visualising a goal time Visualise your dream time as you cross the line at your event. It doesn’t need to be ‘good’ by anyone else’s standards, it just needs to be meaningful for you. Maybe you’d like a post injury comeback time, or a new[…]
How to get into the London Marathon London Marathon – ways to get in How to get into the London Marathon – summary & intro I’ve run over 50 marathons, including around 20 Londons, so I’m often asked how to get in. SummaryThere’s more than one way to get into the London Marathon. Here are[…]
Conker your goals: What squirrels can teach us about autumn training AUTUMN TRAINING Seasonal scenery (& scampering squirrels) Autumn is a fantastic time of year to run or cycle outside. If you don’t live near a park or any trails, it’s a perfect time to visit some. In contrast to our high tech world[…]
Motivation’s a big deal. It’s one of the things I’m asked about most. It seems to come naturally to some people. To others, I look like someone who finds it easy. But in reality I’ve just thought hard about what works for me, and worked to put that in place. Here I break it down[…]
Most of us are time-poor. Family, work, friends, home; it can be a challenge just fitting the basics in, let alone training. We often wonder how much better we’d be in our sport if only we had more time to train. It’s also common to assume everyone else has more time available. In reality, we[…]
Spring. A time of daffodils and lambs for most people. But for many runners, the blossom and the lighter mornings signal that Spring marathons are approaching. Even with a few weeks to go, there’s lots you can do to get yourself fully prepped, from your kit, to your race strategies. Here’s 4 steps how to[…]
Racing doesn’t mean you have to be a competitive person. You can race for many reasons. Racing is hard but the rewards are worth it. Running, triathlon or cycling, here’s 5 reasons why you should race. 1. The competition is up to you For most of us, unless we’re elite, it’s unlikely we’ll win our[…]
Let’s face it, when it’s cold, or cold and raining, cold and snowing, and dark, we just don’t feel as motivated to train. It’s harder to put on your trainers and your kit inside in the warm, to then have to launch yourself into the harsh conditions. In the UK and Northern Hemisphere there are[…]
When you get an idea for a big goal it can be exciting but daunting. How do you know where to start? I get asked a lot how to start running, or how to improve. Can I ever run a 5k / 10k / half / marathon, can I beat my PB, can I cycle[…]
Most of us want to be motivated, and most of us love to be inspired. But are they different, and do we need them both to get out and run? Do you feel any different when you say you’re motivated, to when you say you’re inspired? Or do you use them as two words for[…]
Running is easy right? One foot in front of another. Get fitter. Build up the distance. While out running, you see a poster of women smiling and laughing, advertising a running event, and decide to enter a 5k. Run the 5k. Awesome. Time for the first tough truth – you’re now a runner! We all[…]
Whether you had a good or a bad experience in the marathon, firstly congratulations! Not many people are even fit enough to run a marathon, and it takes training and commitment just to get to the start line, let alone, running 26.2 miles to the finish! What takes a lot of people by surprise is[…]
Race Prediction – how fast should you run? We’ve done it, we’re committed. We’ve signed up for a race. Handed over cash, told friends and family. Asked for sponsorship. It’s definitely happening! The question you’ll be asked most often, (by others, and you will ask yourself too), is: “what time do you want to get?”[…]
Positive progress So we’ve “Got Honest & Got On It” to set our goals. Go us! We decided what we really wanted to achieve [insert your personal goal that you’re really motivated by, here]. We’re excited and giving it a go. Annoyingly it’s so easy to get carried away in early enthusiasm, overdo it and[…]
How to set goals If you want to set and achieve a sporting goal (or even any goal), I’ve got some tried, tested, sweated tips for you, gleaned from a large amount of trial, a good dollop of error and some sprinklings of success. Get honest The first and key step is to be super[…]
Wrapped the socks, sent the cards, ordered the turkey. When the holiday starts, you can finally slow down, sit back in a comfy chair with a glass of mulled wine, and a warm mince pie, and have the luxury of some time to think. Now you’ve got Christmas all organised, may I suggest a Christmas[…]
Is running easy for other people?
The truth is that like anything rewarding, running isn’t particularly easy for any of us. That’s what makes it rewarding!